The stress of working from home for months-on-end, needing to manage professional and home life in the same limited space, supporting school-age kids remote learning, all while doing what we can to remain healthy and avoid needing to go to a hospital. These are among the reasons why many of us are ready to open our mouths these days and scream out loud.

While you are welcome to empty your lungs in this manner (pro tip: do it into a pillow as a consideration to others), several points may ease your mind a bit:

  1. You are not alone feeling this way. More than a year had passed since this pandemic upended our lives. The loss of freedom, the added safety rules, and devices, all aimed at slowing down the spread of the Coronavirus. We all suffer under these, more or way more.
  2. Education systems of all levels, business organizations of all types and sizes, houses of worship, and many forms of sports, all suffered under the need to protect the public from itself.
  3. Battling this virus suffered numerous drawbacks due to misinformation and confusion. Even the vaccine campaign, which is yet to make an impact on public health, does not give the feeling that the end to the pandemic is in sight. Although we all hope for the world around us to heal, the emerging reality is that this world may be different than that of a year ago.

With these points in mind, we must forge a way forward. This does not come easy for those who are burdened by the sheer magnitude of challenges they face or the limited means they possess.

The biological nature of the Coronavirus and its rapid rate of spread put the medical community and governing bodies of all sizes and levels to a test they were unprepared for. We struggled to form a working game plan as we sort through the different health orders and recommendations. We consult with family members and friends and learn what they are doing to conquer their challenges. But what about us?

Plotting a path through fog is both difficult and dangerous for obvious reasons. Letting things sort themselves out is a little naïve and carries certain risks. In this ensuing world war against Covid-19 and its emerging mutations, it is life-threatening to remain passive and hope for the best. As in war, we must constantly assess our situation by relying on reliable information and sound advice. If you need help with doing that, you are invited to take advantage of a coaching session to begin addressing those needs. The session is offered free of charge and carries no obligation on your side. To take advantage of it, use this link.

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