

Personal and professional tensions are intertwined these days, as many of us work from home. Workplace waves crash against the home front undercurrents, forming an emotional whirlpool inside us. Uncooperative co-workers, unwilling bosses, and ineffective subordinates. School-age remote-learning children, unemployed and underemployed young adult kids, anxious spouses, and freaked-out of their mind friends. Each feeds…



Fear. Hides behind corners of our imagination and lurks in the depth of our consciousness. Fed by bad experiences, misinformation, and lack of confidence. Eats at the core of our decision making ability, exposing us to potential mental and physical harm, financial loss, and social ridicule. Fear. Acts both as a behavioral repellent and challenger….

Planning for Planning

Planning for Planning

In a recent interview for Yediot Achronot, a leading Israeli newspaper, Professor Dan Ariely, a renowned researcher in behavioral economics, offered his view on various aspects of the Coronavirus crisis. The interview concluded with Dr. Ariely’s five tips for reducing anxiety during this time, with the first being this: “We routinely have long-term plans that…