September. Smells of Autumn are in the air and the August heat is finally breaking. It is hard to accept that it had only been six months since the rise in Coronavirus cases sent us all into social hibernation. These days, after what feels to be longer than actual time, we are still attempting to adjust to the circumstances, trying to decide (or at least make some sense) out of a threatening situation, and debating which of the difficult paths we should take. This all seemed so much easier in the disaster movies we watched before. Who could have imagined that real life can be so difficult?…

Sarcasm and dark humor are popular tools we use during trying times. In the right doses, they help ease the pain that results from a bad situation, by diluting it in polarized imagery and ridiculed truth. These comparisons shine a more forgiving light on the bad experience and paint it in softer colors. This kind of humor is not limited to comedy club stages; it is created and used by all of us during personal exchanges for the same effect – to lift our spirit and lessen the emotional load.

Making light of a lousy predicament does more than ridicule it. If offers an alternative view of the same set of facts that may suggest a new way of dealing with it. The relaxed view creates an opportunity for one to use their energy more efficiently in dealing with the situation, and summon new ideas to improve it.

The general instinct is to apply this for use in politics, which today more than ever are dominating our lives with its handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. It does not have to be limit to that. You may use it (wisely, w i s e l y) to address personal and work-related situations. Any good comedian will tell you, read the room, know when to tell one, and when to stop. This is not a necessity, but if you recognize an opening, try to take advantage of it. Laughing at yourself is better than crying over it, and is best if others are joining you in that.

I had a joke to insert here, but following my own advice above, I’ll just wish you health, success, and happiness.

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